Mackenzie Grant

Mackenzie Grant, 81, of Peoria, AZ passed away on February 24th, 2022 after a long and valiant battle with cancer. Born on January 27th, 1941 to Alexander and Isabella Grant in Edinburgh, Scotland, Mackenzie would go on to travel the world and work as a highly respected and much-loved executive in the airline industry for nearly half a century.

In the 1960’s Mackenzie began his career with storied carriers SAS and British Caledonian in the UK (where he was one of BCal’s founding employees); Northeast Airlines (Yellowbird) in Nassau, Bahamas; and Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong. He had a tireless love of the industry that took him far, a legendary work ethic, and an infectious sense of humor and fun that endeared him to his colleagues and employees. He went on to many high-profile roles, including VP Western US at British Caledonian, at British Airways, and finally at Virgin Atlantic – first as VP Western US, then Senior VP North America, Country Manager for South Africa, Head of Africa and India, and Head of Asia Pacific.

Mackenzie was as adventurous as he was fun-loving. He had a wide variety of interests and a curiosity about every aspect of life, and was always ready to experience new things: cuisine, activities, people, or places. He was an avid biker and swimmer, and learned to play pickleball at 79 years old! His kindness, positive attitude, and enthusiasm made the lives of all those around him easier and brighter. He was always there for friends and family in need, and he showed bravery and determination in the face of his diagnosis and throughout his treatment. Mackenzie was a true Scotsman and gentleman.

He is survived by his loving wife, Kiyoung (Kay) Hong Grant, his two children Calum and Alyssa Grant, his elder brother Lewis Grant, and twin brother Morrison Grant.

A celebration of Mackenzie’s life will be held in Peoria, AZ and online in March. Condolences for the family may be left here.

28 Comments on “Mackenzie Grant

  1. Thank you for entrusting us to make the arrangements for your beloved, Mackenzie. May your family find peace, and comfort during this difficult time.

  2. I worked under Mackenzie’s leadership way back in the 80’s . He was everything that his son Calum said in the above obituary, and more.
    It was my profound pleasure to have known him not just working for him, but also personally .
    Yep, he had a wonderful sense of humour, and many is the times that I would be a recipient of a joke that he had just fired off.
    His humour was British , he being a Scotsman , and I Welsh , I always “ got it”
    Rest in Peace , you LOVERLY Scotsman !

  3. We only had the pleasure of meeting Mackenzie and Kay a couple times over our backyard fence. As we are not full time residents yet, we were looking forward to getting to know him.
    Kay our hearts go out to you- Rest In Peace Mackenzie,

  4. The world just got a little dimmer with Mackenzie gone. His easy smile will be missed in the neighborhood. Our deepest sympathy for his loss.

  5. Many people mould our lives
    and some we wish we were
    And then there are those who are our lives
    and make us who we are.
    I hope some day one will say to me
    When you do that you remind me of he
    For that would certainly make my day

    Rest In Peace uncle Mac. Your laugh, wit and sense of goodness I will cherish forever.
    I love you.

  6. MacKenzie was the kindest man always with a smile on his face. Im so blessed I got share special moments, his energy and addictive smile in the short time I knew him as his neighbor. RIP sweet man❤

  7. Dearest Kay

    I would like to offer you my deepest condolences. Mackenzie was an incredible human being. I had the immense pleasure to work under Mackenzie for Virgin in India where I also had the pleasure of meeting you.

    There are so many experiences we shared. Holding the the world’s longest moustache in Jodhpur, cruising the backwaters of Kerala or watching in awe as he recited Robbie Burns “Address to a haggis” in Delhi on St Andrew’s Day.

    He lived a life and I know he loved you dearly. Having lost my dearest Claire three years ago also to cancer, I know how awful it feels to lose someone. But I also know he would want you to move forward (not move on) and live your life.

    With best wishes


  8. Ken and I only had the pleasure of being in Mackenzie’s presence a few times but he was one of those souls who left an impression with his kind energy and gracious manner. Our hearts go out to Kay and the family and we hope the love they had for each other will sustain them through this sad time!

  9. My husband, Tony, and I met Mackenzie and Kay relatively recently when we moved into our new neighborhood. We both felt such a warmth from them and enjoyed the time we spent together. Some people you meet and you feel like you’ve known them for longer than you have. This was Mackenzie and Kay.
    I also played pickle ball with Mackenzie and was continuously amazed and inspired by his desire and ability to play. Not only because of his age but also knowing he had recently been through serious cancer treatments.
    We were so saddened to hear that his cancer had returned. He was such a lovely and genuinely kind person. He was also so interesting to talk with, having traveled and lived around the world. Tony and I feel blessed to have known Mackenzie for the short time we did.
    My heart is broken for Kay, his children, and loved ones. I will keep them all in my prayers.

  10. Uncle Mackenzie – I have so many fond memories of you and am so sorry you are gone. You were always full of love and laughter and I will always remember you that way! Condolences to all of our family for this loss, especially Calum, Alyssa and Kay. Love to you all.

  11. Dave remembers a hike initiated by Mackenzie which took them through a foot and a half of snow on the Isabel Trail in the Bradshaw Mountains and swimming with him a few times at 8:00 AM – Mackenzie was a Masters Champion Olympian in swimming (Dave isn’t). We were awed by his tales of work and travel and that he grew up on the Prestwick Golf Course in Scotland where they played the first British Open in the latter part of the 19th Century and loved hearing stories about his family there. Judy loved his knees in his Scottish garb. We were so fortunate to have had coffee and laughs with Mackenzie and Kay in November – all seemed promising then. Rest well our fine friend.

  12. Mackenzie was by far one of the nicest and best men I have known, and definitely the best boss I have ever had. A true gentleman, a true mentor and guider, open, approachable, honest, fair, and simply just a great pleasure to be around – at work and at play. My sincere and deepest condolences go to Kay and the family: your loss is heaven’s gain. The world will be a poorer place without Mackenzie in it.

  13. Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember our dearly departed. A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. My most heartfelt condolences.

    rest in peace uncle Mac you will be truly missed
    Judy and family

  14. In the short time Bob and I knew Mackenzie, We never saw him without a smile on his face. He was always ready to lend a hand or share a laugh, even in the hardest times. He was a beautiful soul and always will be. You will be forever missed Mackenzie. May you Rest In Peace. Our hearts are with you, Kay and family.

  15. Mackenzie was my cousin and has always been in my life. We grew up together in Prestwick and always had a special relationship. Any event or crisis I had in my life, he always had my back.I can’t imagine living in this world without him. He made it a better place just by being here.You have been so brave, now rest in peace. No more pain.

  16. Sending you Kay and Mackenzie’s family our prayers and so much love. Mackenzie – a mentor, a friend, a father figure to so many of us. We know you will miss him dreadfully. What a man. Kindness and integrity defined him. Lucky us to have known him. Jon and Monica (Harding)

  17. Although we only met with Mackenzie and Kay once for a neighborhood happy hour, we are saddened by his passing. His face lit up when he told us about his career with the airlines and all the places he had lived. What an incredible life!

  18. Blanche and Richard
    We are deeply sorry for the loss of Mackenzie we have such fond memories of him and his love of life, sense of humor and wonderful accent of course
    with sincere Sympathy and love

  19. It is with great sadness to lose such a wonderful neighbor after too short of a stay in our beautiful Arizona community where neighbors greet new neighbors with a kind word as Mackenzie did. He was quick witted, energetic and encouraging in our pickleball squad and he is missed on the courts and in the neighborhood. I enjoyed Kay and Makenzie’s playfulness and obvious adoration for each other. I pray Kay feels all the love near and far for both of them.

  20. Luther and I are so sad at the passing of Mackenzie. He was such a joy to be around, he loved life, enjoyed so many different activities, and showed his love for you, Kay, with the way he spoke of you and the banter between you. Our only wish was that we knew him longer. Our condolences to you, and the hope we can keep Mackenzie alive in all the memories.

  21. Mackenzie was a wonderful person and the best boss I have ever known. When I worked for him, he was my mentor and guided me through all the hardships. As a friend, he was such a shining light to so many people. His sense of humor will always be memorable. My deepest condolences to Kay and the family’s loss. Rest in peace Mackenzie. With love


  22. I first met Mackenzie at British Caledonian and was then lucky enough to work with him again at Virgin Atlantic. He was just the most lovely man, so knowledgeable and professional whilst also being a fun person to work with. Such qualities are rare in the workplace, but be had them in abundance, a very special man indeed.

  23. Mackenzie was my cousin and his presence in my life was a constant joy. He was larger than life, generous of spirit and always thoughtful of others.
    I have so many happy memories of my childhood with him and family reunions later in many parts of the world.
    He fought his personal battle with dignity, bravery and continuous optimism, never losing sight of that lovely sense of humor!
    I miss him terribly and will always carry him in my heart.
    Rest easy dear cousin. I love you.

  24. I first met Mackenzie during our time at Virgin Atlantic. He had a twinkle in his eye and. Smile for everyone ! He “lit up” the room when he walked in.
    When times got hard, he was the one who was packed with common sense and the ability to get on with everyone!
    The world was a happier place with you in it Mackenzie – you were one in a trillion!

  25. My wife and I met Mckenzie and Kay just this last year at Trilogy. We really enjoyed visiting with them. I enjoyed discussing rugby with Mckenzie…especially with the 6Nations championship going on right now. He was so full of life (or piss and vinegar as we would say). It was hard to see him deteriorate so quickly. May the Lord watch over you and keep you my friend.

  26. Mackenzie and I met during training to deliver Amazon packages for the US Post Office. We connected immediately. When we started delivering packages, I admired Mackenzie’s organizational ability in arranging our many , and sometimes large ,packages for efficient delivery.
    After we left the Post Office job we continued to meet for coffee at McDonalds. It was the social highlight of my week!
    His life story was amazing.Starting out being driven from his Scottish home at a very early age by fear of Nazi attack! Mackenzie went on excel in the business world, as his obituary shows.Mackenzie also expressed much love and appreciation for his wife Kay.
    Mackenzie was also a good friend who helped me on a number of occasions: Picking me up from the hospital after an operation, checking my apartment while I was away, listening to my troubles, etc, etc.We tried to solve the worlds problems, but were not successful in that!
    Mackenzie’s bravery and faith in dealing with his illness has been an inspiration to me!!
    Gone but not forgotten!!! Good bye my friend!!!

  27. My deepest sympathy to beautiful Kay and to his now grown children. Mackenzie was a model of humor and good sense. He taught me so much about how to be a good human while at Virgin Atlantic. I’ll never forgot the kindness and his wonderful sense of fun and hospitality shown to everyone. You will be missed but only til we meet again.

  28. Mackenzie was one of the best bosses I’ve ever known. He was kind, open-minded, had a great sense of humour and always gave people opportunities to learn. He was always full of energy and adventurous. Mackenzie was always full of wisdom and saw the best part of people. I was fortunate to know him and offered me the opportunity to launch the Sydney route for Virgin Atlantic which was full of fun and fond memories.
    My deep condolences to Kay and the family for the loss. Rest in Peace Mackenzie.
    With Love, Angelina

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