cremation services in Phoenix, AZ

Avoid Scattering a Loved One’s Cremated Remains in These Places

Are you and your family trying to find the perfect place to scatter a loved one’s cremated remains following their upcoming cremation services in Phoenix, AZ? There won’t be any shortage of options for you to choose from. You can scatter the remains out at sea, in a national park, or in any number of other great places. There are, however, some places that you should shy away from when it comes time to scatter your loved one’s remains. They won’t be good options for you and your family. Find out more about these places below.

Sports stadiums

If your loved one was a huge sports fan, you might be thinking about scattering their remains at a sports stadium following their Phoenix, AZ cremation. What better way to pay tribute to them, right? We don’t blame you one bit for thinking about going in this direction, but you should think twice before actually doing it. Sports stadiums are technically private property, which means that you’re not allowed to scatter a loved one’s remains in or even around them. You could get into deep trouble if you get caught doing it.

Amusement parks

In addition to thinking about scattering a loved one’s remains at sports stadiums, some families will also kick around the idea of scattering their remains at amusement parks. More specifically, they’ll consider scattering them at one of the Disney parks scattered throughout the country. You might be under the impression that this is a great idea if your loved one was a huge Disney fan. But this is another bad idea for families. Amusement parks are, like sports stadiums, private properties, so you’re not going to be allowed to scatter remains in them.

Local lakes and rivers

If you’re going to scatter a loved one’s remains in a body of water, it’s almost always going to need to be in an ocean where you can travel several miles off the coast to hold an ash scattering ceremony. This will prevent a person’s remains from coming into contact with anyone. You do not want to scatter their remains in a local lake or river since it could lead to the remains coming too close to other people. It could also potentially add pollution to a lake or river if you’re not careful.

Just about any piece of private property

Generally speaking, just about any piece of private property is going to be off limits when it comes to scattering cremated remains. If you even think that a piece of property might be privately owned, you’re going to have to go through the process of asking for permission to scatter your loved one’s remains there. And more often than not, you’re going to be told that you can’t do it. You’ll have to stick with scattering a loved one’s remains on public property whenever possible.

cremation services in Phoenix, AZ

Would you like to learn more about where you can and can’t scatter cremated remains? Simply Cremation & Funeral Arrangements can break it down for you when you make Phoenix, AZ funeral arrangements for a loved one through us. Give us a call to hear all about the cremation services we have to offer.

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