cremation services in Phoenix, AZ

Make Your Loved One’s Obituary Lively

When you’re planning cremation services in Phoenix, AZ for your loved one, one of the things that you will do is create an obituary for them. In the past, obituaries were written according to a formula that tended to be factual, but that gave little indication about what the deceased person was like in real life.

That is changing. One of the things you will want to do with your loved one’s obituary is to give a sense of who they were when they were alive and how vibrant and how interesting they were to everyone who knew them.

A fantastic example of an obituary that captures just such a life is that of Price Mackenzie Davis, who died at the age of 32 in 2017. His family composed a lively tribute to Davis:

“Price Mackenzie Davis, of McKinney, formerly of Tyler, made his last inappropriate and probably sarcastic comment on October 25th.

A brilliant man, Price drifted through high school and then college, graduating, to his mother’s great relief, from UT Tyler in May 2011, with a BS in Psychology.

Price loved his family, fine cigars, Reese’s Cups, “Two & a Half Men,” beautiful women, and Macallan 12 … and not necessarily in that order. He hated fettucine alfredo and hypocrites. But he loved to tell stories, and you could be sure 75 percent of every story was true.

Although a less than average life span, Price did not live an average life. He traveled where he wanted to travel, laughed inappropriately at every chance, read what he wanted to read, and loved who he wanted to love.

He is survived by his parents, 2 sisters, 1 brother, 2 nephews, 1 niece, and a ton of friends.

There will be no viewing since his family refuses to honor his request to have him standing in the corner of the room with a glass of scotch in his hand and a cigar in his mouth so that he would appear natural to visitors.

Since funeral services probably won’t be allowed in any reputable house of worship, a memorial service and celebration of life will be held at the Davis family home at 3:00pm on Nov. 11th.

Everyone who remembers him is asked to celebrate Price’s life in their own way; raising a glass of your favorite beverage in his memory would be quite appropriate.

Price was killed when he rushed into a burning pet store to save a litter of purring, adorable kittens. Or maybe not. We all know how he liked to tell stories.”

When you read the obituary for a Price Davis, you get a true sense of who he was a person. He was interesting and he would definitely be someone you would like to get to know better because he lived a full and vibrant life that left an indelible mark on everyone who knew him.

So did your loved one. They impacted many lives and there were things about them that were honorable, endearing, and humorous. Those are the things you and your family will remember them for.

Why not use the obituary that you write for your loved one to share these things with the world so that they can know and appreciate your loved one just as much as you do? If you need help composing an obituary for your loved one, the funeral director can provide guidance and assistance.

If you want to know more about lively obituaries and cremation services in Phoenix, AZ, our compassionate and experienced staff at Simply Cremations & Funeral Arrangements can help.

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